Times Like These is a documentary about two extraordinary men, Bob DeVito and Bill Becker – who’ve been diagnosed with Breast Cancer.
Bill and Bob were strangers before they were diagnosed. Now, they’ve become best friends – brothers… Breast Cancer Brothers… in their words….
Male breast cancer is rare. There are 2000 new cases diagnosed every year. But it’s deadly. 25% of those men who are diagnosed will die.
Bill and Bob’s story is poignant and personal – Their struggles, deeply emotional.
When I first met Bob and Bill and their families, I was awed by their courage. And their warmth, their humor, their generosity and their fight. Their humanity.
But – I was shocked to learn how little research and clinical funding is dedicated to understanding why men get breast cancer and how its treatment has fundamentally different needs than woman’s breast cancer treatment.
By telling their story, our goal is to shine a light on this disease and the challenges these men and their families face.